Selasa, 15 April 2008

men's clothing

Men's Clothing

Men's clothing has come a long wya, as early as 50,000 years ago, our ancestral Homo sapiens clothed themselves in whatever was in their surroundings. Anthropologists have unearthed human fossils from the Arctic Circle and saw evidence of men's clothing made of fur and animal skin; in regions where the temperature was much warmer, evidences of men's clothes made primarily, of leaves and grass were discovered.At that time, men's clothing was nothing more that an ingenious invention borne from necessity.
As centuries passed though, men's clothing assumed a new significance. Iit became a signature for social status. Emperors and Kings wore ornaments made of gold and rare jewels; nobles wore hats, while peasants adorned themselves with shells and plain-colored garments.Men's clothing became a form of expression.How a man saw himself was ultimately reflected by how he dressed. Everyday was one big costume party that showcased men's clothing and its 50,000 years of history, give and take.If you're looking for a man's clothes shop then look no further. Buy men's clothes from all the best online clothing and fashion shops for men in the uk.

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